Klaus Mayr
Am Sonnenhang 8
D-87594 Pfronten
phone: 01 71/8 77 62 22
Harald Lischkowitsch
Postfach 5413
D-78433 Konstanz
phone: 01 71/8 16 08 66
Conceptual Design
Anja Heusel Strategie & Beratung (consultancy), Hannover
phone: 0 51 08/64 31 30
Screendesign and Programming
Ulrike Winter, Katja Vogel und Phoung Nguyen
This website was developed in the context of a graphic design competition at the Hochschule der Medien, Stuttgart.
Liability Advice:
Despite of careful control we are not liable for the contents of external links. Liable for the contents of linked pages are solely the concerned operators.
You already have a small group?
You have a special date request?
You have your own ideas and agenda for your ski tours to the USA?
In this case contact us directly, we are pleased to arrange an individual offer for you.
Your request